Relationship horoscope

Relationship Horoscope

The consultation always takes place in the presence of both partners; it usually takes from two to three hours and can take place in Warsaw. The whole consultation is recorded on the mp3 device, which is later kept by the client.

A partnership horoscope (synastry and composite): life together, opportunities and the path of mutual development; how to find ways out of tensions and dilemmas; an objective look at the source of the problems and the needs of the relationship

Before the meeting I require the following information from both partners:
Name, date of birth, exact time of birth (if it is unknown or debatable please contact me), place of birth, current place of residence;

The price of the consultation depends on a number of factors (such as the place of the session, the age of the clients). The price is thus set individually with the client.

Bookings and arranging appointments:
tel. +48 609 733 762
or e-mail:

I provide invoices for my services.

See also: Dr Jonas Cycle

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