There is no way to peace; peace is the way.
Mahatma Gandhi
It’s not heroic to die, it’s heroic to live
In the sun and among fragrant flowers
Anyone can rot in the ground
– It’s not heroic to die, it’s heroic to live
Follow this rule,
And death will catch you anyway.
It’s not heroic to die, it’s heroic to live
In the sun and among fragrant flowers.
(in: “Spotkania z podświadomością” Maria Szulc, Wyd. Wiedza Powszechna, 1981)
There are a lot of books worth reading, which help us discover the knowledge which we already have.
The books that keep inspiring me are listed below. If you have not read them, I recommend that you do. Perhaps you will also be inspired.
Leszek Weres, Homo Zodiacus
Piotr D. Ouspensky, Fragments of an Unknown Teaching
Jiddu Krishnamurti, The Urgency of Change
Leszek Weres, Rafał T. Prinke, Mandala of Life: the best book for beginners, and not only
See also Astrology Mini Dictionary containing basic astrology terminology and read the essay on humanistic astrology.